Get the card with a credit limit of up to 100,000 UAH
We’ll calculate your personal credit limit without any interviews with brokers or journeys to the bank. We’ll only need photos of your passport and personal tax reference number
We’ve put in all our experience into creating the convenient mobile app. Simple transfers, paying utility bills, a functional statement, and card settings which meant going to the bank office are now in your pocket!
Card settings
Where else have you seen free money transfers?
Topping up the monobank card is free! Further on, top up your mobile phone, pay for utilities and other services without any fees. Even if you’re using loan funds! Transfer money to your contacts in just one tap — it’s even easier that you can imagine
All your expenses at the tip of your fingers
Always wanted to check how much of your money comes on unbridled joy? It’s simple now. Use the monobank card, and you’ll always be able to your expenses nice and structured
Forget everything you knew about banking
Install all the limits, including PIN request during purchases, all by yourself. Can’t find your card? Get it blocked to play it safe. Change your PIN right in the app without going to an ATM
This is just the beginning
Deposits with up to 16% per annum in hryvnia and 2.1% in a foreign currency
Establish convenient deposits in the way that works best for you
Using the monobank card
Using the banking details
Using cash in the partner banks’ offices
We cover for possible expenses caused by transferring the money to the deposit
Say, you want to buy a phone for ₴10,000 on hire purchase over 6 months. All you need to do is to let us know in the app. And for your next purchase, you’ll pay in 6 parts. Just at 1.9% per month.
Here’s another example. In the middle of a month, you make a large purchase and you end up having no cash at the end of the month. With the monobank card, you can transfer your last expense on hire purchase. And the money will return to your card immediately.
We return up to 20% of your purchases
Every month, you can choose two purchase categories in which we’ll return up to 20% of your expenses.
Store other banks’ cards for simple and free top-up
Transfer money to people from your contact list or top up their phones
Pay utility state bills free of any fees. Even against credit funds
Cash back real money from your purchases. No bonuses which heaven only knows where to use
Make regular payments? Any transaction can be repeated with just one tap any time
Credit Calculator
Black Card
Platinum card
IRON card
Total cost
Minimum payment
First payment date
До 30.06.20
Total loan cost
1 000
Effective rate
Grace period
До 30.06.20
👉 The calculation is approximate, for informational purposes only, and is based on the assumption that the client conducts a credit transaction at the point of sale.
Minimum loan amount - 1,000 UAH. Maximum loan amount - 500,000 UAH. Minimum loan term - not set. Maximum loan term - 25 years.
👉 Information about possible consequences of using a loan or failure to fulfill obligations under the contract:
When receiving a loan:
The customer who took a loan returns the amount in accordance with the terms of the contract and the law;
The customer who took a loan can incur costs in the form of interest and fees;
The amount of credit limit may change.
In case of late repayment of indebtedness or other violations of the contract:
The customer who took a loan may be subject to a penalty;
We have possibility to require a premature repayment of the loan and reimbursement of losses caused to us by violation of contractual obligations;
We have the right to apply to collector companies in case of the customer’s failure to repay the indebtedness;
The condition of obtaining a loan cannot be the purchase of any products or services related to us, because it is forbidden.
We do not have the right to make amendments in the contracts with the customers on our own, except for the cases specified in the contract and the law;
The customer may also refuse from receiving the electronic advertising materials - letters, messages, etc.
Choose to receive a virtual card or pick up a card at the nearest point of issue. It’s free of charge
Please leave your phone number and we’ll send you a text message with a link to download the app
Leave your phone number to register
Install the monobank app from App Store or Google Play
monobank for iPhone
iOS 13+
monobank for Android
Android 6+
QR code for downloading the app
Humane customer support
No answering machines or bots. Only communication with real people ready to run through a brick wall for you! We talk with you in the messenger of your choice